How to buy a OnePlus One without an invitation

While the OnePlus One could be a flagship killer, it has a major issue: it is not available for purchase through traditional sales channels. Using an invite system, it seems to be harder to get than most previous metals. But is there a way to get around this system to get your hands on a OnePlus One? Take a gander below and we’ll let you know how you can grab a OnePlus One for yourself.


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Request an invitation to the OnePlus One

The best way to get your hands on one of these bad boys is to ask someone who has already received a OnePlus one. For every purchase of this unit, the owner will receive some invitations that he sees fit to distribute to friends and family. However, a ton of invites that don’t get used, so make sure to ask around: your social networks, friends and family, and make sure to check out the OnePlus subreddit.

There is also another way to get an invitation from OnePlus: the brand offers many events where they distribute a number of invites. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled on the OnePlus official forums and even the OnePlus Facebook page and keep an eye open for these events.


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Buy a OnePlus One

Yup. You can buy a OnePlus One without an invite, but be prepared to pay a premium for it. There’s a price to pay to be able to grab a OnePlus without an official invite.

The surest way is to make sure that you check at least two things before going ahead and splurging: can you trust the seller and does the device actually work? While many are going to try and gouge you tooth and nail due to the exclusive distribution of the device, it won’t seem questionable when you ask for more verification on that legitimacy of the device.  So, always make sure that the device runs the Google Play Store, has CyanogenMod 11s, and all the other official specs of the OnePlus One. There are a ton of different types available for sale on eBay, so always make sure you’re doing your due diligence.

Either way, make sure to take a look at our official test of the OnePlus One for more information on the device.

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How to buy a OnePlus One without an invitation How to buy a OnePlus One without an invitation Reviewed by Unknown on 9:52 AM Rating: 5

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