Free Download Windows 8.1.1 (Feature update)

If you have updated from Windows 8 from Windows 8.1 then be ready to get one more update that can be “Windows 8.1.1 update” (Windows 8.1 update 1)or could be similar as Windows 7 service pack 1 but Microsoft haven’t announced this update yet but still you can easily download this Windows 8.1 update 1 though well know Windows update method.
This is a now a third party leak, it’s official update but you are getting this before the official announcement with below trick.


How to Download Windows 8.1.1 (Windows 8,1 update 1)

This is a simple registery tweak that will change your device to end-user tester and you will receive the updates are a tester before the official announcement.

Get Windows 8.1 Update 1

To get Windows 8.1 update 1 follow these process to edit your registry key of your machine :-

    1. Open Registry editor and navigate to

    2. Create a new key called “SHWindowsPoolS14”

If you are having problem in going though registries and creating new one you can use notepad to install registry key on your machine.

  1. Open Notepad and type
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


  2. Now save it as win811.reg, make sure you have created .reg file with notepad.

Now double click to install registry.

Now go to Windows update and check for update, if update doesn’t shows up then restart your machine.

Source from

Free Download Windows 8.1.1 (Feature update) Free Download Windows 8.1.1 (Feature update) Reviewed by Unknown on 2:05 AM Rating: 5

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