How to unlike Inactive pages

I really hate inactive pages on Facebook and today on Facebook tips and tricks.
We are going to see How we can manage and unlike inactive pages or all fan pages if you want to reset your Facebook account without deleting it.How to unlike inactive pages
You can either use third part web tools or manage your likes from your Facebook acouunt’s activity feed directly. In case of huge amount of Facebook page been liked by you can be a big mess for yourself and can not be easily solve now because from 12th march 2013 Facebook has removed unlike page option from your newsfeed, so Now you can just hide any post annoying you and no matter if you have liked thousands of inactive pages.
You can manage you Facebook liked pages by categorizing them in your Interest list, choosing to show in news feed or not and getting notification from them.
See How you can control your Newsfeed

If you know How you can manage your Newsfeed and just want to “Unlike inactive Fan pages” then you can use these Two methods :-

Unlike Facebook fan pages from your Account

If you don’t know where you can find your liked pages then I can help you with that :-


Screenshot from Facebook account

  • In your Activity feed

  • On like tab on your Timeline or you can directly navigate to

You can find all your liked pages and can unlike the page from those you don’t want to get updates anymore. This method works in you know you which Facebook page to unlike but not incase of inactive pages.

Manage Facebook likes with third party apps

If you really want to unlike those pages which has not been updated since a long time, then you can use third party apps on Facebook, I prefer to use manage your likes, which is a internet tool and it provides list of your likes sorted by name, likes, types and last activity on the page.


Screenshot from

To manage your likes head to and click on analyze your own profile button and manage your likes pages and you can easily find and unlike inactive pages.
You can also see How you can manage your profile news feed by using some advance features of Facebook.

Incoming search terms :-

  • how to unlike Facebook page

  • delete like pages

  • sort like pages

  • manage like pages

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How to unlike Inactive pages How to unlike Inactive pages Reviewed by Unknown on 11:12 AM Rating: 5

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